Saturday, October 6, 2012

PeopleSoft Benefit Administration setup tables

If you are a PeopleSoft consultant who supports Benefit's Administration you may have to work on the benefit's setup tables during open enrollment. In most organization, data setup will be done in a dedicated setup environment by the administrator before open enrollment is initiated. After administrator completes the required data setup and testing, you will be requested to migrate the open enrollment setup data from dedicated setup environment to production. Below setup tables are the most common ones that will be used for setup by the administrator while configuring the system for open enrollments.

Understanding the information of the data that is stored on these tables will also help you to debug some of the open enrollment issues.

BAS_ELIG_XXXXX are the records that identify benefit program/option eligibility criteria. These records are created online by the Eligibility panels under Benefits Administration. The information is used for processing Benefits Administration.

PeopleSoft Tables Information about the usage of the table in PeopleSoft
BAS_ELIG_BNSTAT It is used to record what employee's status is eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG1 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG2 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG3 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG4 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG5 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG6 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG7 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG8 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_CNFIG9 It is used to record the values of this configurable field that are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_EETYPE It is used to record what employee types are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_FLPART It is used to record whether full or part time employees or both are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_FLSA It is used to record what FLSA status is eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_GRADE It is used to record what salary plans or grades are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_LOCN It is used to record what locations are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_OFFICR It is used to record what officer codes are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_OVRD It is used to record what employees are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_PYGRP It is used to record what company and paygroups are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_REGN It is used to record what regulatory regions are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_REGTMP It is used to record whether regular employees, temporary, or both are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_RULES It is used to record service, age and standard hours requirements as well as other rule type information such as default, waiving, plan change levels, etc.
BAS_ELIG_STATE It is used to record what states are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_ELIG_UNION It is used to record what union codes are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option.
BAS_EVENT_CLASS BAS_EVENT_CLASS is a record that works in consonance with BAS_EVENT_RULES record. It is used to establish rule type information such as default method, eligibility change levels, coverage and deduction begin and end date methods, etc. It is created online by the Event Rules panels under Benefits Administration tables and is used during Benefits Administration processing.
BAS_EVENT_RULES BAS_EVENT_RULES is a record that allows you to establish an ID for a set of event rules as defined on the BAS_EVENT_CLASS record. The record defines the effective date, and description for an event rules ID. This table is used during Benefit Administration processing.
BAS_EVT_CLASS Use BAS_EVT_CLASS to define Benefits Administration Event Classifications. BENEF_PLAN_TBL BENEF_PLAN_TBL is a record that contains information on all the Benefit Plans offered by a company. There is one record for each plan type/provider combination (except for plantype '00'). This table is used as a prompt table for many panels and is accessed often by the batch processing of the Benefits Administration product.
BEN_DEFN_COST BEN_DEFN_COST is a record that defines the costs associated with each benefit option and is used for processing in Payroll and Benefit Administration. The costs are defined as the rate type, rate table ID, earnings code (for credits), and calculation rules. BEN_DEFN_OPTN BEN_DEFN_OPTN is a record that defines the benefit options for each plan type and is used for processing in Payroll and Benefit Administration. A benefit option is a combiniation of benefit plan and coverage code. For Benefit Administration, it contains information on each option such as the option code, option level, eligility rules ID, etc.
BEN_DEFN_PGM BEN_DEFN_PGM is a record that contains information on all the Benefit Programs offered by a company. This table is used as a prompt table for many panels and accessed often by the batch processing of the Benefits Administration product. BEN_DEFN_PLAN BEN_DEFN_PLAN is a record that defines the plan types for each benefit program and is used for processing in Payroll and Benefit Administration. For Benefit Administration, it contains information on each plan type such as the display plan sequence, event rules ID, etc.
FLAT_RATE_TBL FLAT_RATE_TBL is a record that defines flat rate table IDs, their effective dates, premium frequencies, and rates. Each flat rate table ID can be associated with any number of benefit program/option combinations. SAVINGS_INV_TBL SAVINGS_INV_TBL is a record describing a specific investment option available within a Savings Plan type. This record is populated online by the Savings Plan Table 3 panel.
SAVINGS_PLN_TBL SAVINGS_PLN_TBL is a record that defines the savings plans offered by the company. It is used to define investment rules and options for each savings benefit plan. As a result of nondiscrimination testing, you may decide to alter HCE savings rules located on this table. It is populated online using the benefits saving plan panel.

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